
what is depression?

Depression is a pervasive emotion that affects the way that we think, feel (physically and emotionally) and act. It can be like seeing life through a gloomy lens, and thoughts like "I'm worthless/useless", "it's all my fault" and "everything goes wrong" are common.

All of us have periods of feeling sad or down, often in response to life events or feeling overwhelmed. If this feeling sticks around most days, you might be experiencing depression.

Sometimes, asking for help is the most meaningful example of self-reliance.

"Before I came I was struggling with negative thoughts that were taxing to my emotions and my self-esteem."

Depression is often started or made worse by a vicious cycle. Our thinking patterns affect our emotions, feelings or the things that we do. This then results in feeling worse and those thinking patterns stick around.

It's OK to have little cracks, it's how the light gets in.

understanding depression

“I've learnt skills to help deal with these thoughts.”

can I get through this?

Of course. Learning tools and strategies to manage thoughts and behaviours associated with depression is achievable with the right supports. You also don't have to wait until things are terrible. If you don't feel like you are depressed, but are at the stage of feeling overwhelmed with life's stressors, getting support early can stop things from sliding downhill.

doing things differently.

Depression, as well as the emotion of sadness, affects our thoughts, physical being and behaviour. Looking at what we can do differently in these areas can help improve our mood.

things to try

how can fresh minds help?

Fresh Minds can help you connect your dots across mind, mood and wellness. We provide simple tools, helping you navigate a complex life.

help -  best received before you really need it.

fresh minds therapy

One-to-one therapy sessions designed around your personal needs, either in-person, over the phone or video

fresh minds learnings

Live and interactive webinar modules, online resources and workshops – easy access to the answers you need.

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fresh minds workplace

We work with organisations to develop bespoke solutions to support mind, mood and wellness in the workplace.

This resource was developed by a Fresh Minds psychologist, adapted from Te Hikuwai developed by Te Pou o Te Whakaaro Nui resources. For more information on our qualified therapists visit our team. 

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