The brain makes 70,000 thought connections each day. Connecting our dots in a complex world is not so easy.

Finding a way forward is about building these connections. Knowing is the first step to understanding, so we have designed simple tools to help you take that first step. Our resources provide information and advice to navigate life’s challenges, whatever that is for you.

These tools by no means provide all the answers. They are most effective when used as part of a connected mind health plan.

how can fresh minds help?

Working with Fresh Minds is about connecting your dots – mind, mood and wellness. We provide simple tools for a complex life, helping you to realise your story.

fresh minds therapy

One-to-one therapy sessions designed around your personal needs, either in-person, over the phone or video

fresh minds learnings

Live and interactive webinar modules, online resources and workshops – easy access to the answers you need.

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fresh minds workplace

We work with organisations to develop bespoke solutions to support mind, mood and wellness in the workplace.
